Mute headmates


Mute, or Non-verbal Celes are often also non-scribble in our system, so that includes typing or writing things out.
For our system, this means we'll use emojis with words already in them, for example an emoji with the words "how are you?" is pretty clear.
Non-verbalness and being non-scribble is often seen together within our system due to being able to type or write just as easily as taking is a Big No to my brain.
These two seperate things (not being able to speak vs not being able to write/type) can be seen separately within our system!

An extra to using emojis to talk, brain fog and the likes really mess with our brain, and sometimes we're rendered uncapable of
putting letters together to form a word or sentence, in which case, everyone in our system will use this method to communcate during these times.